Thursday, August 6, 2009

Phenol as Plastic Materials

Plastic industry use chemical intermediate and monomers as plastic raw materials. More detail about these material to produce polymer will write more detail as per groups:

Phenol has been made, over the years, by a variety of processes. Many of the companies producing it use it internally and do not sell it on the open market. The principle in use in the United States is the peroxidation of cumene (isopropyl benzene).

C6H5CH (CH3)2 ----> C6H3C (CH3)2 OOH -----> C6H3OH + CH3COCH2

The conversion of cumene to cumene hydrogenperoxide gives a 25 to 50 percent yield per pass. The cumene hydrogenperoxide, which has the dangerous explosive properties of other hydroperoxides, decomposes into acetone and phenol in the presence of sulfuric acid. The by product acetone dominates the acetone market. Phenol can be prepared from toluene, and one small plant in the United States produces it this way. This process is more widely used in Europe.

C6H5CH3 + i.5 O2 -----> C6H5COOH + H2O

C6H5COOH + 0.5 O2 ------> C6H5OH + CO2
