Sunday, June 11, 2023

Test Different Kinds of Glue for Phone Cell

For cell phone repairmen, they may be used to using a certain brand of glue to glue the cell phones they service without ever trying another type of glue to use for gluing. They have more confidence in their habits of using a certain brand of glue.

In this article it is intended to use alternative glue besides a certain brand of glue to glue cellphones. The problem is the price of this cellphone glue is very expensive when compared to other types of glue. If you compare the price, it can be 5 to 10 times, whereas if you use another type of glue, of course it can be much cheaper.

The video below shows the results of testing several types of glue to glue plastic and how to open it after the plastic has been glued with this glue. Whether the results will be suitable for cellphones or not depends on your opinion.

There are 2 related videos below, video Glue Test part 1 which is connected to video Glue Test part 2, enjoy watching:

Part 1:

Part 2:


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